What is Worship?


In worship, we gather together as the people of God in this particular time and place to rehearse the Gospel Story. In worship we declare together the glory and grace of God our Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. Worship is a communal activity where we all participate together in the presence of our God. We are not passive observers in worship but active participants in the weekly reenactment of the Gospel Story.

CPC Band playing worship music in Church on Sunday morning.


Worship at CPC



Liturgy means “the work of the people.” We strive to structure our worship in a way that maximizes the participation of the people of God in the worship of God. Our hope is that you won’t just come and hear about God but that your whole being will be engaged by Him.


Worship is not about music but music is a significant aspect of worship. We strive to worship with quality music from a wide variety of sources from Christian history and the modern church.


The Word of God is central to the life of every Christ follower and as such it is central in the worship of Christ’s Church. We diligently seek to preach the Word faithfully in ways that clearly and practically shape our daily lives.


The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are gifts of Grace that Jesus has given to his Church. As we worship through music, confession, Scripture reading, and prayer we also worship by receiving these great gifts given so graciously by our Savior.


When and Where?

We meet for worship each Sunday morning at 10:45 at 2706 E. 51st St. Sunday School for all ages is at 9:30 with Coffee and Light Refreshments available before Sunday School and Sunday Worship.